[Ci4cg-announce] Towards a Public Communication and Information Infrastructure Part II

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat May 7 14:40:58 PDT 2016

Thanks to everybody that sent me their ideas! I thought I'd send out the
note that is intended to clarify what I'm looking for — although it might
just add more confusion...  — Doug

I'm currently working on a short paper — basically an editorial or op-ed —
on the idea of an open-ended, non-profit, citizen-led public alternative
communication and information infrastructure project. I’m not exactly sure
what that means but I’m envisioning something that supports a variety of
basic features that people use (search, chat, photo posting, etc. etc.) as
well as more advanced features such as deliberation, collaboration,
decision-making, etc. It would probably need to be built with federated,
integrated, distributed open source modules and be governed by its users
and developers in some sort of open public way. It would be used without
surveillance, data harvesting, censorship. The paper won't be long and it
certainly won't be authoritative or comprehensive; at this point I'm just
trying to help surface the idea and get feedback.

My plan is to build the case somewhat in the paper and to suggest some
ideas that are likely to be useful in thinking about moving forward. That's
why I'm writing to you all.

If you have any points or suggestions or examples that I need to know about
as I work forward I'd love to hear them. I probably won't be able to
incorporate everything in this initial piece but, ideally, as time goes on,
the suggestions you make would help inform the project.

Please send me your thoughts on this.


— Doug
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