[Pattern-language] Call for Translations ~~ Exciting push for new languages!!

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sat Feb 28 13:06:13 PST 2015

Call for Pattern Card Translations

We've started a translation push for the pattern cards that is really quite
exciting (at least to me!). I don't know where you sit in the language
world but you might have some ideas for us — or be interested in doing some
translation work yourself.

To see the translated patterns we have so far, first go to the
http://publicsphereproject.org. Click on the PROJECTS link on the front
page and then, via the menus, go to Liberating Voices / Patterns you'll see
links to many of the translated pattern cards we have now.  (All 136
patterns in Spanish have been translated but only about 25 or so have been
put on the web site.)

It looks like Swahili, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Greek, Rumanian,
Portuguese, French, and German are in work. We are looking for new
languages but because these languages are in work doesn't mean you
shouldn't volunteer to help with those languages by contributing a few

And based on this work it would be great to ultimately generate some type
of global discussion. Any ideas on how this could or should go would be

I can send the text of all 136 pattern cards to anybody who's interested.
The text (and also  the image on the cards) is licensed as open source.

Although this may be clear already, any number of translations are fine. In
other words, if you translated one pattern card we'd put it up. (At the
moment, we have to do the final publication to the site...)

Thanks for considering this!

— Doug

PS. I'm a little under the weather so please excuse any confusing or
awkward writing here.

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project

Creating the World Citizen Parliament


Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)
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