[Realpoetik] Jeff Downey

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Feb 3 08:36:56 PST 2008

from *Pasture*

The litter rushes bind.  I too was plastered.  Assured that from your sight
needs loosening.  Such unearths irrigation.  For early on the tiles there
were days regardlessly overfill.  With rowen comes a lining.  Expanses that
wouldn't be much to ply.  Everyone spins topsoil through debt.  Astute
campaigns in sentiment.  What matters settle.

You have a look about you that syncs.  Soon or the thick flies in the face.
 Lots are now taken electrically.  Without noticing it came into a glad
beholding.  The change some trammeled.  Tractor parts lay out in the sun.
 Besides the sentence I can be fined.

We have ourselves jostled foray.  The aquifer made rules of fire irons.  To
chase tail reminded of the bodies gathered around poles.  If at all points
grain.  But when you are moving on you are an overtone.  Shot in capacity.
 There's no need for apologies but go ahead.  Missing is mostly
calisthenics.  A staple took of paint.

Suppose a ripple is the law
One felt forgone and cottonmouth
A neighbor vent arisen
Was an emergency whatever pelts
Tableaux of plastic whitening
Let's not any lasting names
By use I mean make
Your contours light out
The garage said to be off its foundation
The mildew, marsh sieving to meadow

I knew whistling the vacuum had caught on.  Channels of the see-through
sort.  Out of place but nodded at.  A crane lifts from the silt.  Does this
amplifying loop.  The same wind that sprained your articulation.  Tugs out a
knot.  Aware while handling of reception.  Its shore socked in.

Why fear being chased.  Once science could see from here tethered.  Land for
your feat.  Abandon comes and just deserts.  The patent to having blood.
 Overhead is a version of dizzying thirst.  All the rage moving on an offer.

The ball drops séance.  What remains relates raising. Many blank in the
basement.  Those grounds to now commit the calendars.  It is a girth
resounding.  Winter leaves.  You a dilating adolescence.  Nor was it going
to spoil such irises.  I kept meaning to come down with mono.  For after all
the grist was the same.  Each post held fast.

*Jeff Downey* currently works at the University of Nebraska on a grant to
digitize historic newspapers.  He was an editor for the university's
journal, *Laurus*, from 2006 to 2007.  His poems have appeared or are coming
out in *Handsome* and *Octopus #10*.


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