[Realpoetik] Nicole Wilson

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Aug 9 16:33:07 PDT 2009


Mother knows each day’s a face

halved like the planet of a weather report;

she can tell the operator “I like

your telephone voice, I like your dimes

and radios.”  Her plane crash is a birth

or a building or stuck levers

or a chord composing to house

all those vertical bodies

unpeeling themselves, and the division

sign she etches on top of the table

is about hands missing

hands missing

a groom. Lungs breathe

the shape of flesh pins and whiskers

like a carousel coming loose.

*Nicole Wilson's* poems have appeared in *Columbia Poetry Review, Emprise
Review*, *Babel Fruit, **Rabbit Light Movies*, and *Coconut*, among others.*
 *She works and teaches at Columbia College Chicago where she received her

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