[Realpoetik] Amish Trivedi

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Mon Feb 16 20:20:36 PST 2009

*'Rowboat Over the Atlantic'*

I have become
my own airbags, admitting
I'm more willing to break
than be broken.  These words are
not mine
anymore, but they are a revenge
lay.  And I used to sit
outside, slumped over feeling
boxed or stigmata over the
soil.  Steps line a side, which is
a jar.  Rain and saliva become
the next tabloids.

*'Love Poem Mad-Lib'*

I'm awake.  I'm
           awake and there are
snakes.  Snakes
                      and a
sleepwalker.  I'm
not the only person
           who's gained weight

since high school.  The
whooping      was
           a signal to the
birds:  soon

they'll all hear
us.  And then
they'll know:  we'll

be leading class riots
in the high museums.

*Amish Trivedi* waits in snowy Iowa City patiently for word from graduate
programs. Absent Magazine #3 <http://absentmag.org/> contains the
e-chapbook, *The Breakers* <http://absentmag.org/?p=32>. *Selections from
'Episode III in Which Mr. Wyndham's Cat Kills the Milkman'* is forth-coming
as an e-chap from Beard of Bees <http://www.beardofbees.com/>. The Trivedi
Chronicles <http://www.amishtrivedi.com/>are a source of wonder and delight.

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