[Realpoetik] Norma Cole

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Jul 26 19:51:30 PDT 2009

*from* 14000 FACTS


Slow walking, play

of evening, the silver

ships measuring time

Venus, a sliver

of time

beyond words


The clearing, the light

no gate separates

day and night

more than ever

place of indivisibility

the wolf sees all


Like souls greeting each other

from the windows of eyes

form or harm

turn back any time

snowflakes on a blue



Floating sea ice

as if we’d

seen it just


not used to

hearing that

music again


Looked like rain

peremptory music

from the limbic


you’re not still

in prison



To imagine

a fortress

we’re given

a loop

a curveball

come in to play


The manner of their


aspects of vision “we’re

getting killed”

the burning zone

shifts, continuous

*carmen*, song


See what you

expect, a page

of flames, a cloud

the color of her

old heart, displayed

in a glass case


Fiction: bacon

and eggs in a

parallel universe

smells just as


he ran away

as if

the exigency of

is and is not


Potatoes, stones

their living eyes

atoms existing in

unparalleled worlds

as if to turn their

eyes from particular


Among *Norma Cole**’s* books of poetry are *Natural Light* (Libellum)
and *Where
Shadows Will: Selected Poems 1988—2008* (City Lights). *To Be At Music,* a
book of essays and talks, will appear June 2010. Cole has received awards
from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, the Gerbode Foundation, Gertrude
Stein Award and Fund for Poetry. She teaches at the University of San

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