RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Dec 11 06:52:54 PST 2011


That beautiful melody? It is already within us
Tim was sorting through his compositions

we need to find a way to bring it closer

to brush our end against its end, but we must remain

and regardless if I am satisfied with it
I have to abide by the metronome

I want to study piano because in doing so I will destroy

my discreteness. One is always concerned with one’s discreteness

this tiresome harangue of mine, would you believe me
just as I was reaching the terminus or whatever point

in the mind that receives it. Listen to this, Tim said

playing nothing. Do you hear what I hear

I would have to do it myself
with my own hands, Tim continued,

sometimes I am struck, my chair a closer

companion than anyone I know.

*Christopher Kondrich* is the author of *Contrapuntal*, forthcoming in the
Free Verse Editions poetry series. He is currently a PhD candidate at the
University of Denver.

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