[Realpoetik] BRIAN FOLEY [Part Two]

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Mar 27 09:39:42 PDT 2011


in the former


the sun stands

my calluses fall off

just an hour

from darkless

dumb impersonates

calm with

a conversation feel

the eye that puckers

at mine

the eye one half

my own fault


Brian Foley is the author of the chapbooks The Constitution (Horseless
Press, 2011) & The Black Eye(Brave Men Press, 2010). His poems have appeared
or are forthcoming in Boston Review, Springgun, Action Yes, Saltgrass, Columbia
Poetry Journal, Poor Claudia, & elsewhere. He curates the jubilat reading
series in Amherst, MA, and co-runs Brave Men Press.
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