Homeless in Seattle (fwd)

Doug Tooley dltooley at speakeasy.org
Fri Apr 11 12:16:39 PDT 1997

Al, et al:

This note serves as a compliment on the quality of a post, by Al, to the
list king-socserv at scn.org, and some thoughts as to the relevance of that
post to SCN in particular, and the ways we use the internet in general. 

(The post concerned an effective summary of the problem of homelessness,
both nationally and locally)

This type of quality background is what we should be using for SCN's
decision making process.  Rather than being a deliberative, inclusive body
we now run on the basis of trying to get individual proposals through
without much in the way of overall thought as to where we are trying to go
and what our mission is.

SCN can help with the problems of homelessness, though not solve them.
What SCN can do, very much in line with its mission of universal access,
is work to insure that the homeless remain **connected** to the world via
the net.  It is also possible that we could provide significant job
networking and training opportunities.

However the type of conversation and discussion that goes on around SCN
now is not supportive of that sort of development - in fact the types of
attitudes we see around SCN may very well be adding to the problem, in a
general fashion.

For a number of reasons we need a constructive, deliberative, inclusive
decision making process around SCN.  Of course communicating on broader
subjects in order to lead to effective decisions on the part of SCN is a
very big question, one that is not only limited to SCN, but also to
those that we work with. This ability, to work efficiently in a group
generated context (not necessarily consensus!) is in my opinion, the only
relevant measure of our success.

The type of post Al Boss made to the king-socserv list is a great example
of exactly that sort of communication.  I sincerely hope he continues to
follow-up on your superb contributions to SCN and that efforts such as
yours become the rule rather than the exception.

-Douglas Tooley

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