SCN modem progess

John Johnson jj at
Thu Mar 5 10:26:07 PST 1998

The reason the modems are not yet 'fixed' is that we are doing tests and
trying out different configurations.  And as one of the things we have
learned is that some of the half-dozen distinct problems that occur with
our modems don't develop until after several days, we can't simply make a
change, "see if it works", then try another change.  The "see if it works" 
part takes several days, for each change.  (And as there may be inter-
actions between some of the changes, we have to try _combinations_ of
changes.)  And about once a week we have to go on-site and power-cycle all
of the modems that won't reset.

The reason there has been a greater level of problems with the modems in
the past month is because 1) we moved the 33.6 kbps modems to the head of
the hunt-group (so the 33's are used before the 14.4 modems), and they
have more problems, and 2) we're messing with them!  But this needs to be
done (painful though it may be) in order to determine the problems. 

If we can demonstrate that the modems themselves are defective, we will
replace them.  But if the problems result from configuration, or from how
we use the modems, then we need to correct that, instead.

Please be patient.  We ARE working on the problem, and are making some
progress.  But it is going to be a little while longer to resolve.

=== JJ =================================================================

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