Volunteer hours and membership in SCNA

Randy Groves randy at scn.org
Thu Oct 8 17:01:32 PDT 1998

OK - It's official.  Because of the communications breakdown, the following
resolution was not widely distributed (see below and previous message for
details).  The board voted to support my proposal that volunteers that have
completed the volunteer hours membership requirement and make their desire
known to me (e-mail: randy at scn.org, evening phone: (425)868-6014) will have
their membership entered retroactive to September 15.  This will allow you
to vote.  The volunteer time needs to have been completed before the end of

Those interested, please contact me (e-mail is best), with your address,
and phone number (if you want it included in the database - we don't
release any of this information), and I'll put you on the list.  If you
want to also give me an idea of how many hours you've contributed, that
would be cool too.

Once again, please excuse the duplicates - I think that this needs to have
the widest distribution.  Here's the resolution that has been on the web
page since April (in the March board minutes):

Resolved: "Volunteers who have donated five (5) hours of recorded service
to SCNA rendered within 30 days prior to application for SCNA
membership will qualify to have the minimum cash contribution waived.
Membership and waiver must be requested, and shall not be automatic.
Waiver membership may be granted by committee chairpersons or an
officer of SCNA. The form must be filled out and signed by the committee
chair or officer and sent in. Waiver membership may also be applied for
using the mail-in form and granted if all qualifications are met. SCNA
memberships by waiver shall be for one year, with full privileges, without
limitation on renewal."

In practice a new volunteer would sign up for a task, report the hours at
the next committee meeting and ask that those hours be applied to
membership. The committee chair determines if they qualify and then
reports it to the registrar. SCNA officers are included for volunteer service
rendered to the board.

This policy (a) should be clearly communicated, and (b) requires the SCNA
membership form be revised to have a check-box for the waiver
membership with an explanation of the qualifications.

*Approved by board

Obviously, the committee heads either fell down on the job, or we did, or
both.  The new policy obviously didn't get communicated.  Hey - we're trying!

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