$10,000,000 for community networks in Texas!

Kurt Cockrum kurt at grogatch.seaslug.org
Sat Jul 24 11:56:49 PDT 1999

Doug said:
>BIG things going on in Texas!!  I'd like to bring Gene up here
>to talk to us at SCN about working with the state legislature.

On his own dime, I hope.
I wish I could bring Timothy McVeigh^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
(sorry, slip-of-the-keyboard) Molly Ivins up here to talk to us
about working with the state legislature!  I'll bet she would
have some interesting things to say.

>Texas is spending more on public infrastructure than the US
                           ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>government TIIAP program!

Well, to be honest, I didn't think the Panopticon-on-the-Prairie *had*
any infrastructure that wasn't part of the correctional or railroad
establishments, or to enforce things like food-disparagement laws.
Could I be wrong? (perish the thought! :)

The idea really gives me the creeps!  They aren't spending that money
because they believe in free speech, that's for sure!  Control, power,
money, that makes a lot more sense.  But it also makes sense here, too,
in the much more benevolent land-of-the-latte.  If SCN ever gets some
government subsidy money, I would consider that the beginning of the
downward slide into NPR-dom.

You are all following the Pacifica implosion (just as an example of
a *much* *more* *widespread* phenomenon that includes NPR as well)?
I. e. consolidation, homogenization, bland-down, professionalization,
displacement of local talent by piped-in stuff, wholesale firings of
volunteers and workers who question the status quo, censorship, strikes,
lockouts, runaway BOD's, the whole 9 yards.  And this from a bunch of
cute little bunny-rabbit Clintonoid liberals and their foundation pals!
This gives serious meaning to the term "devil-bunny" :)

Just remember, "he who has the gold makes the rules".  The obvious
corollary is "he who takes the gold agrees to abide by the rules".
Or to put it another way, once you take a handout, you are *property*,
to be disposed of as the owner sees fit, even if you can still walk and
talk and proclaim your freedom and autonomy.  If you *don't* take the
gold, you are still poor, but then if you proclaimed your freedom and
autonomy, you wouldn't be lying.

I hope and pray that we have the bravery and prudence to steer clear of
any so-called "public/private partnerships".  But money is a *powerful*
drug.  It's *way* easier to stop smoking tobacco than it is to tighten
one's belt after having once had a money-fix.

Turning grassroots into astroturf is easy, but it's a one-way trip.
Don't go down that road.

Beware of the Friendly Stranger!
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