IP menu

Joe Mabel jmabel at saltmine.com
Tue Jun 1 08:32:58 PDT 1999

I haven't done Unix in about a decade, but for someone who is up to speed 
the programming part of this is trivial ( < 10 mins per command).  However, 
making up the command names is not trivial.  Remember that they cannot be 
identical to normal Unix commands: e.g. you'd want, say, "makedir" or 
"MKDIR" instead of "mkdir".  Otherwise, you hide the normal mkdir.

If you want to create associated help of any sort, that could end up being 
an equally large task.

I would suggest that things like this are useful exactly where the Unix 
command is cryptic: e.g. "copy" for cp, "move" for mv, "dir" for ls, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From:	Rod Clark [SMTP:bb615 at scn.org]
Sent:	Friday, May 28, 1999 6:08 PM
To:	Joe Mabel
Cc:	Seattle Public Theater; scn at scn.org; webmasters at scn.org
Subject:	RE: IP menu

> & for that matter there is nothing that stops us from making shell
> script files such as one with the name "copy" that prompts you
> appropriately, gets the arguments, then calls cp, etc. You can add
> "friendly" commands to a unix shell.


   It would be a nice project for someone to do, and it's not
rocket science, so various people could do it. Here's most of
the current list of IP Menu commands, in the command format that
the IP Menu program uses, in case anyone is curious. What would
be your estimate of the time needed, if we wanted to put this on
a project list?


home    cmd=cd $HOME
work    cmd=cd $HOME/work
cd      cmd=cd prompt=Go_to_the_directory
pwd     cmd=pwd
ls      cmd=pwd;ls arg=-CFA | cmd=more
dir     cmd=pwd;ls arg=-Flags | cmd=more
mkdir   cmd=mkdir prompt=Create_a_new_directory_named
rmdir   cmd=rmdir prompt=Delete_the_directory
cpdir   cmd=cp arg=-ir prompt=Copy_this_directory 
cp      cmd=cp arg=-i prompt=Copy_the_file 
mv      cmd=mv arg=-i prompt=Move_the_file 
rm      cmd=rm arg=-i prompt=Delete_the_file
more    cmd=more prompt=(Space_bar_to_page,_Q_quits)_Display_the_file
diff    cmd=diff prompt=Show_differences_between_this_file 
grep    cmd=fgrep prompt=Phrase_to_find 
sort    cmd=sort prompt=Input_file arg=-o prompt=Output_file
e       cmd=/usr/local/FreePort/lib/bin/editor prompt=Edit_the_file
chmod   cmd=chmod prompt=Permissions prompt=File_(or_directory)
chgrp   cmd=chgrp prompt=Change_group_to prompt=File_(or_directory)
t2html  cmd=txt2html.pl prompt=Input_(text)_file arg=> 
fplynx  cmd=/usr/local/FreePort/bin/fplynx 
gzip    cmd=gzip prompt=Compress_(gzip)_the_file
gunzip  cmd=gunzip prompt=Uncompress_(gunzip)_the_file
zmore   cmd=zmore prompt=Display_the_file
df      cmd=pwd;df arg=.
du      cmd=pwd;du | cmd=more
usedtot cmd=pwd;du arg=-s $arg=HOME
code    cmd=uuencode prompt=File_to_encode 
prompt=Name_to_call_it_at_remote_end arg=> prompt=Output_file
decode  cmd=uudecode prompt=File_to_decode
w       cmd=w |sort|more
who     cmd=who |sort|more
ps      cmd=ps arg=g|more
ftp     cmd=ftp prompt=Remote_host_to_connect_to
dak     cmd=kermit arg=-s prompt=File
dax     cmd=xmodem arg=-stlk prompt=File
day     cmd=sb arg=-ka prompt=File
daz     cmd=sz -a -w 1024 prompt=File
dbk     cmd=kermit arg=-is prompt=File
dbx     cmd=xmodem arg=-sblk prompt=File
dby     cmd=sb arg=-kb prompt=File
dbz     cmd=sz -b -w 1024 prompt=File
uak     cmd=kermit arg=-r
uax     cmd=xmodem arg=-rtlk prompt=File
uay     cmd=rb arg=-a
uaz     cmd=rz arg=-a
ubk     cmd=kermit arg=-ir
ubx     cmd=xmodem arg=-rblk prompt=File
uby     cmd=rb arg=-b
ubz     cmd=rz arg=-b

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