Diversity in High Tech: Organizing to Increase Access After I-200

Doug Schuler douglas
Mon Mar 1 08:43:51 PST 1999

This is a follow up to Lorraine's message about SCN's earlier mission.

About seven (eight?) years ago in the earliest days of SCN -- while it was 
still a CPSR/Seattle project and mostly just a gleam in peoples'
eyes -- we developed a set of principles (appended below) which we 
hoped could serve as a continuing guide to SCN's development.

Part of my interest in seeing that we developed this set of principles
was that our mission would not get diluted or degraded over time and
that we'd have something in writing that would continually serve as
a reminder of the high goals that we set for ourselves.  My fear was
that we'd forget these principles as time went on.

While I do see SCN and all of its volunteers as still at least implicitly
abiding by these principles I thought it might be useful to send this
out as a little reminder to all of us.  I wonder if these principles
are as well-known as they should be; and as part of that I wonder if
there is a way that people can readily find the principles when they
come in via the scn home page or if they are sent a copy when they
join SCN.

Athough technology and social circumstances are changing in many ways,
I don't see that any of these principles are out of date nor do I foresee
the day anytime soon when they are out of date.


-- Doug

PS. The principles are also @ http://www.scn.org/ip/commnet/principles.html

                         Seattle Community Network
   The Seattle Community Network (SCN) is a free public-access computer
   network for exchanging and accessing information. Beyond that,
   however, it is a service conceived for community empowerment. Our
   principles are a series of commitments to help guide the ongoing
   development and management of the system for both the organizers and
   participating individuals and organizations.
Commitment to Access -
 Access to the SCN will be free to all.

  We will provide access to all groups of people particularly
     those without ready access to information technology.
  We will provide access to people with diverse needs.
     This may include special-purpose interfaces.
  We will make the SCN accessible from public places.

Commitment to Service -
 The SCN will offer reliable and responsive service.

  We will provide information that is timely and useful
     to the community.
  We will provide access to databases and other services.

Commitment to Democracy -
 The SCN will promote participation in government and public dialogue.

  The community will be actively involved in the ongoing development
     of the SCN.
  We will place high value in freedom of speech and expression and in
     the free exchange of ideas.
  We will make every effort to ensure privacy of the system users.
  We will support democratic use of electronic technology.

Commitment to the World Community -
 In addition to serving the local community, we will become
     part of the regional, national and international community.

  We will build a system that can serve as a model for other

Commitment to the Future -
 We will continue to evolve and improve the SCN.

  We will explore the use of innovative applications such as electronic
     town  halls for community governance, or electronic encyclopedias
     for enhanced access to information.
  We will work with information providers and with groups involved in
     similar projects using other media.
  We will solicit feedback on the technology as it is used, and
     make it as accessible and humane as possible.

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