File space increase, volunteer recognition

Rich Littleton be718 at
Sat Nov 6 03:08:28 PST 1999

Allen made a good point when he replied to my urging that volunteers get
"bonus space."  He asked if we would take away the extra space once the
vol. was no longer active.

My answer:  Yes.

If X is no longer meeting the minimum for being an "active" vol (I think
that is 20 hours a year), then I have no problem discontinuing the

Allen implies another good point.  How the hell do we monitor the
active-non-active status of all our vols.

My answer:  The committee coordinators do it.  The coordinators are
ALREADY responsible for following the progress of the various committee
tasks.  He/she can easily send in periodic notations to the volunteer
committee listing who has been active.  In the e-mail committee, for
example, the vols. provide that information to the coordinator monthly
simply by putting their names on the signup list.  The e-mail coordinator
has it easy;  he can simply forward the scheduling message to the
volunteer committee.  

Jim Haskins already prepared a database of all the volunteers (back in
Jan.-March) for the volunteer committee.  So it would be a small matter to
"check off" the incoming names.  Any name not showing up for a year would
lose the extra space on the system.

Allen implies yet another good question. (Actually, he asked it directly.)
Do we just rip the space out of the hands of the formerly active

My answer is:  No.  We send them a notice of their pending change of
status.  Hopefully, this would trigger some of them to "re-up" (get active
again) to keep the bonus space.

But, if the person could no longer commit to actively volunteering, we
would eventually (with notice first, as mentioned) cut off the extra

Not rocket science.  You get the benefit if you put more into running SCN.
If you don't put that "more" into SCN, you get the normal user's space.

Any more questions?  (And I'm waiting for the eternal chant:  "We don't
have enough volunteers .....", so make my day and ask that one.)



		I'm really very easy to get along with, 
		once people just learn to worship me. 

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