SCN: Who's on scn?

Al Boss alboss at
Sun Jul 3 09:40:43 PDT 2011

> JJ mentioned: "I think everyone here is on the 'scn' list..."

An intriguing bit of housekeeping. All the people who've been directly
addressed in this email thread are on the scn distribution list (along with
a few dozen others), but about half of us aren't on the list with the
account we primarily use to send email from. (That's why Rod has had to
forward so many messages to the list for us.)

There does seem to be a lag with majordomo (I'm guessing it runs in batch
processes via a cron job), but I've only noticed it being a few minutes. So
far, I've noticed nothing that'd prevent us from using majordomo for these

If we want to do that, though, it'd probably benefit us if we were to
subscribe the addresses from which we usually send email, just to make
things simpler.

The next question--do we want to use a list with 50 subscribers for a
conversation with a dozen or so of us? Should we move it to a new list? Or
just rest secure in the knowledge that the unsubscribe instructions are
going out with every message, so anyone who's not interested can easily drop

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