City of Seattle CITIZENS' TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY BOARD Fact Sheet Fall 1998 The Citizens' Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB) was established in 1995 by Seattle Municipal Code SMC 21.60.060. Primarily, CTTAB Board members: * Study and make recommendations to the mayor and the city council on issues of communitywide interest relating to telecommunications and technology, including cable television access, technology access and regulatory issues within the city's authority regarding wire and wireless communication systems. These issues are referred to the board by the mayor or councilmembers. * Conduct hearings and workshops and make recommendations to the city regarding telecommunications and technology issues. Board members work closely with staff from the Executive Services Department (ESD), which is responsible for citywide information technology planning and implementation. ESD also manages the city's Cable Office. From time to time ESD staff bring noteworthy issues to the board's attention and solicit the board's advice for appropriate solutions. The board is composed of 15 members, with eight appointed by the mayor and seven appointed by the council. Two members represent two specific constituencies respectively: the education community and the public access community. The remaining members serve at large. All serve staggered two-year terms. Recent Issues And Projects Some recent issues brought to the board's attention concern cable television franchise requirements, exploring a regional approach to public access television facilities, examining services provided by the city's Web site PAN (Public Access Network), and developing the city's Municipal Channel, Channel 28. To date, CTTAB also developed several Citizen Literacy and Access Projects supported by the Citizens Literacy and Access Fund. These projects include a Technology Resource Map, Citizens Technology Literacy Summits/Technology Fairs, Technology Matching Fund, Seniors Literacy, PAN Content and Multiple Media Centers. For more information see . Subcommittees The board has established four subcommittees: Channel 28 (government access cable channel); Channel 29 (public access cable channel); Internet Access and Literacy; and Procedural and Housekeeping. In addition, the board has established working project groups for the Citizens Literacy and Access Fund projects listed above. Meeting Schedule & Agendas CTTAB meets the second Tuesday of every month from 6 to 8 p.m. in either the Alaska Building or the City Council chambers, depending upon council chamber availability. Schedules and agendas are posted on the city's Web site at the address listed below. If you are interested in board membership or would like more information about the board's activities, please contact: Lynne Masters via the city's cableline voicemail at 684-8497 or email More information is also available at 09/24/98