[Ci4cg-announce] Call for expressions of interest in 2017 PhD scholarship

Jaz Choi h.choi at qut.edu.au
Sun Aug 28 18:18:30 PDT 2016

The Urban Informatics Research Lab @ QUT Design Lab is calling for expressions of interest from prospective PhD students to apply for candidature and/or scholarship. QUT's annual scholarship round closes on 30 September 2016, for entry at the start of 2017.

We are an internationally recognised research and development lab. As a key part of the QUT Design Lab, our vision is to go beyond disciplinary boundaries to generate and harness actionable knowledge focusing on urban contexts. As such, our team consists of researchers and practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds across people, places, technologies: humanities and social sciences; design, planning, and architecture; human-computer interaction, information technology and computer science. We are always keen to connect with individuals and organisations who share the passion for transdisciplinary research and development to together create better urban futures. For more information, see www.urbaninformatics.net<http://www.urbaninformatics.net/>

QUT offers a limited number of scholarships to research students of exceptional research potential. To be eligible, you need to have a minimum first-class honours (H1) or equivalent and be undertaking a PhD, masters by research, or professional doctorate project that is closely aligned with our current key research areas. For more information about the current scholarship offerings at QUT, see www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-grants-and-funding/annual-scholarship-round  <http://www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-grants-and-funding/annual-scholarship-round>

In the Urban Informatics Lab, we are looking for curious and passionate people with excellent track records in academic research.

- Co-creative urban futures
- Civic participation & hacking
- Social entrepreneurship & urban change
- Self care & mutual aid
- Community engagement & placemaking
- Enabling smart cities & smart citizens
- Participatory urban data
- Media architecture
- Playful cities
- [One blank slot: Do you have a radical idea you'd like to propose? Insert here]

Please note that more broadly, the QUT Design Lab has five priority research areas:
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Design, Health, and Wellbeing
- Design & Community
- Design and Sustainability
- Design, Culture, and Environment

- Check if you are eligible and other requirements for application: www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-grants-and-funding/annual-scholarship-round  <http://www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-grants-and-funding/annual-scholarship-round>

- Email Dr. Jaz Hee-jeong Choi (h.choi[at]qut.edu.au.au<mailto:h.choi at qut.edu.au>), Director of the Urban
--- Informatics Lab with the following:
--- Your cv
--- A brief outline of your proposed project in the format outlined here<https://www.qut.edu.au/study/applying/phd-and-research-degree-applications/step-7-write-your-research-proposal>

- We will then review your submission and contact with you to further discuss the next steps.

Dr. Jaz Hee-jeong Choi
Director, Urban Informatics Research Lab
Program Leader, Social Entrepreneurship & Design Incubation, QUT Design Lab
Associate, Digital Media Research Centre
Postgraduate Studies Coordinator, Interactive & Visual Design
Senior Lecturer, School of Design, Creative Industries Faculty
Queensland University of Technology
-- e: h.choi at qut.edu.au<mailto:h.choi at qut.edu.au>
-- w: urbaninformatics.net<http://urbaninformatics.net>
-- p: +617 3138 7657
-- m: +61 433 167 151

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