[Pattern-language] Spanish language cards now available!! More languages to come...

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Mon Sep 7 21:39:07 PDT 2015

Here is the announcement I've been sending out to a couple of lists. I hope
it's useful! Please feel free to send it along to anybody who might be
interested.  — Doug

If you've been following the Liberating Voices pattern language project
I've been working on since 2001 (or even if  you haven't), you might find
this interesting or, even better, useful!

A "pattern" represents a seed or template to help inspire and inform
citizen activism. Some of the 136 patterns in the book (MIT Press 2008) and
website include Community Networking, Voices of the Unheard, Activist Road
Trip, Teaching to Transgress, and Matrifocal Orientation The patterns are
all related to some degree to information and communication. All of the
patterns together constitute a pattern language.

Patterns are not recipes. They don't tell you how to use them. That's up to
you and the group working with (if you're not working alone). The patterns
can be used individually or with others.

The reason I brought this up is that now, finally, we have Spanish
translations of all 136 of the pattern cards online:
http://publicsphereproject.org/patterns_spanish. (20 are shown at a time;
go to the bottom of the page and click for the next 20.)

Currently people are working to translate the pattern cards into Chinese,
Serbian, Greek, Korean, Swahili, Russian, Hebrew, and French. (To access
them,  use the same url approach as above—e.g.
http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns_russian—or use the PATTERN
LANGUAGES tab on the main page, http://publicsphereproject.org).

Unfortunately we have no Italian, German, Urdu, Hindi, Japanese, etc. etc.
translations. We are looking for people to help with translations in any of
the languages that have been started — or any at all! It's all volunteer so
we grow the non-English cards one at a time.

The English patterns are at http://publicsphereproject.org/patterns/lv.
These include the full pattern text, the same that appears in the book.

If you have any ideas about how to get more exposure or translations for
the patterns I'd love to hear them. We are also interested in hearing your
ideas for innovative  uses.


— Doug

BTW, the draft of our anti-pattern pattern language (which perpetuates
ignorance, oppression, inequality, etc.) can be found at:
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