[Realpoetik] KATE SCHAPIRA [Part Two]

RealPoetik Magazine realpoetik at scn9.scn.org
Sun Oct 9 21:35:49 PDT 2011


*You cannot always hear a train coming, especially high speed and quiet
electric trains!*

A dead one doesn’t know anything anymore

She doesn’t become a spirit with the right to hold

or invite herself to tunnel through you

If the train got me I’d be just like most people

Most speeds are high, most times cut in half

Keep coming back or reverting to undergrowth

and other things people have built—

the awkward but accurate position of “we”

destroying “ourselves” to build the railroad

I haven’t liked to pretend to be big

when I know I’m small

listening for the sounds of great violence approaching

Listening to you and the sound of movement through you

The movement we belong to like a border

between the planet’s hot history, magma states

soft ball and thread stages and the way

when the water touches us we roll up

We leave the water more full of water than ourselves

Sink gently because when you’re relatively small

gravity is not your most important force

Forces will take ownership of our surfaces

and our one day dead material

bursting with lionfish-like lights

*Kate Schapira* is the author of *TOWN* (Factory School, Heretical Texts,
2010), *The Bounty: Four Addresses* (forthcoming from Noemi Press before
year's end), and two more books forthcoming in 2012 from Stockport Flats and
Horseless Press, as well as chapbooks from Flying Guillotine, Horseless,
Rope-A-Dope and Cy Gist Presses, and Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs. She lives
in Providence, RI, where she co-curates the Publicly Complex Reading Series
and teaches writing to college students and 4th grade scientists.

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