Classifieds menu

SCN User mtsvme at
Tue Feb 24 22:14:40 PST 1998

Just catching up on my email (perhaps a bit late).

It seems this group of liberals are upset by change...

If there is one constant on the internet, it is change.

A couple of years ago, accessing scn through the King County Library, I
ended up somewhere else, the gateway number to scn changed suddenly.  It
was no big deal, I just learned to look first.

If scn is alive, it is going to change.  If it remains constant, it is
falling backwards, and will soon die.

If our webmaster, and others who play with the menus put in days/week of
free time and labor to help the idea, the concept of providing access to
the internet for free, the least we can do is let them have fun playing
with the menus, experimenting, trying to improve the service.

I'm amazed at how much controversy has been stirred up, in I am assuming,
liberals, over having to look up at the computer screen.  Of course, I was
brought up in an era when we learned to not trust big brother, and always
watch out.

Also, from such an intelligent group of computer people, why does everyone
have to always include the same text over and over to the same reply.  I
haven't had a chance to log on for over a week, and found that half of my
mail consists of the same two or three messages, over and over again as
part of everyone's reply to the same message - "legal" spam filling our

Enough rambling.

Software people, keep the changes coming!


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