Difference of opinion

Rod Clark bb615 at scn.org
Fri Jul 2 09:03:53 PDT 1999

> I am going off the lists for awhile and will only perform a
> couple tasks in the near future. ...


   When you want to approach some things again that you care
about and want to do, you're always welcome. You've done enough
for people and causes that you have years worth of goodwill
piled up around here in people's hearts.

   It's a shame that all of this went back and forth so much on
e-mail and not in person - that's not nearly so good at helping
the temporarily humor-impaired among us get back into personal
connection and empathy with people, with one another. I should
know, because I've sent you so much e-mail and not enough of
anything else. This is what happens when we depend so much on
e-mail, and not enough on being affected by people's faces as we
talk with them, or their voices as we talk with them.

   I hope you want to participate again, in some better day and
time. It's ridiculous to be writing this instead of talking to
you. Almost as bad as the rest of it, I guess.

   Getting people who are used to wielding "get with the team"
authority in other organizations to adopt a funkier democratic
method here of reaching agreement, one that always takes more
time and effort and is inherently frustrating, isn't easy. We
all have hopes for this. It's never going to work smoothly as
long as random people (you, me, Mel, lots of others, some who
could be described as fringe elements) can get involved and
bring along their various ideals and start trying to convince
everyone else of them. It's mostly still run by a bunch of
people who aren't professionals at it, which is both what's good
and bad about it.

   In my view, everyone who's interested at all in
participating, or even casual observers, are as "entitled" to
know what's going on as the people who are doing things. But
taking the (lots of) time to write those things up and to go
through all of the ideal time-consuming communications processes
that we should have is often more onerous than actually doing
the work. 

   I think SCN would be the better for your involvement, and for
your nudging us toward keeping a focus on your ideals and going
through the extra workload to turn them into practice more often
and more consistently. 


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