SCN: TV leftwing?

Doug Schuler douglas
Wed Oct 25 15:57:11 PDT 2000


To: loka-alert at
From: "The Loka Institute" <Loka at>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 22:16:39 -0000

Loka Alert 7:5 (25 October 2000)


                    THE TILT OF THE TUBE
       The Structural Conservative Bias of Television
                    By Jeffrey Scheuer

Friends & Colleagues:

In this Loka Alert author (and longtime Loka Institute Board member) 
Jeffrey Scheuer dissects the familiar claim of political 
conservatives that the U.S. mass media -- television especially -- 
evince a leftwing bias.  To the contrary, argues Scheuer, the 
structural properties of television offer systematic advantages to 
the conservative wing of the political spectrum.  Scholars and 
activists alike will want to come to terms with his challenging and 
original thesis.

This is one in an occasional series on the democratic
politics of research, science, and technology issued free of
charge by the nonprofit Loka Institute.  TO BE ADDED TO THE LOKA 
ALERT E-MAIL LIST, or to reply to this post, please send a message to 
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Cheers to all,

Dick Sclove <Richard at>

(Dick Sclove, the Guest Editor of this Loka Alert, is the founder and 
former Executive Director of the Loka Institute. For an illustrated 
update on how he is enjoying his sabbatical, see the photograph at:

                     The Loka Institute
              Jill Chopyak, Executive Director
            P.O. Box 355, Amherst, MA 01004, USA
     E-mail <Loka at>   Web <>
         Tel. 413-559-5860; Fax 413-559-5811


(I)   THE TILT OF THE TUBE by Jeffrey Scheuer.......(5-1/2 pages)

(II)  LOKA INSTITUTE UPDATES........................(1 page)

(IV)  ABOUT THE LOKA INSTITUTE....................(1/3 page)

                 (I) THE TILT OF THE TUBE
       The Structural Conservative Bias of Television
           By Jeffrey Scheuer <JScheuer1 at aol.COM>


Do technologies have ideologies?  Are machines morally and 
politically neutral extensions of human scientific genius?  Or are 
their effects at times latent, obscure, unpredictable, but profound 
in their impact on social and power relations?  These questions have 
important political implications for progressive scholars and 

Viewed from one angle, technologies -- machines and mechanical 
systems -- are patently morally and politically innocent.  As 
inanimate objects lacking consciousness, they cannot project or 
pursue human values.  They are not existential agents.  Communication 
technologies, on this view, deliver messages, but messages are not 
embedded in their very structure.

>From another angle, however, machines are deeply implicated in 
society and social structures.  Cars, for example, allow their users 
more individual freedom than mass transit systems.  But they are also 
inherently less egalitarian.  Not everyone can afford a car, and when 
communities (such as suburbs) are designed for automobiles, they 
reward car-owners and punish others.  Car-based cultures also keep us 
separated from one another, closed off (with families or immediate 
friends) in our own metallic domains.  They encourage us to compete 
for space rather than to share it, they reflect our differences of 
status and taste, and so on.

The difference between seeing cars (or any other technologies) as 
neutral devices and seeing them as ideologically-charged is not a 
difference between a true perspective and a false one, but rather 
between a simpler and a more complex one.

Both perspectives (and a spectrum of possible intermediate views) are 
valid on their face, and in their own terms.  The simpler view has 
the advantage of its own obviousness and accessibility.  The more 
complex perspective, while appealing to a narrower audience -- an 
audience with a higher tolerance of social complexity -- explains 
more broadly and more deeply.   

Here's the kicker: the complex view of technology (and, indeed, of 
government and society in general) is the natural view of the left.  
The simpler view is that of the right.  Both views have their merits, 
up to a point.  Which we choose cannot be decided by some supreme 
principle, but reflects our subjective appetite for complexity. 

And here's the follow-on kicker: one particular, dominant technology 
of our times -- television -- naturally favors the conveyance of 
ideas and perspectives that are simpler.  Television, by its very 
design and structure, is inherently more hospitable to the messages 
and values of the right. 


A simple, unbridled faith in technology is a pillar of American 
conservatism, and sister to the unbridled conservative faith in the 
market.  These twin faiths are linked to the broader conservative 
habit of seeing the world through simpler lenses.  The conservative 
faith in technology and markets is thus linked as well with an 
aversion to the deeper and more systematic modes of understanding 
that are the implicit goal of progressives and the left.
This applies to television as much as to anything else.  If we regard 
TV as merely "a toaster with pictures" (the unintentionally 
ridiculous phrase of Mark Fowler, a Federal Communications Commission 
member under President Ronald Reagan), then there is not much more to 
say about its social and political effects.  End of discussion -- 
burn the toast.

But let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that television, unlike 
toasters, actually pervades American life and consciousness; that 
something we typically watch for several hours a day actually 
influences our lives and our ideas; and that it cannot possibly be 
without some profound political effects.

Conservatives also claim that the media are progressive.   (TV is a 
liberal toaster.)  They've been saying this for years.  Television 
and the printed press, they say, are dominated by progressives who 
shape how we see the news.  

Now this is an interesting claim, and not entirely without merit.  
And it bears noting that most, if not all, media criticism from the 
right consists of variations of that claim.  No doubt many members of 
the journalistic community, and many other producers of media and 
popular culture, are progressives of one form or another.  But -- 
with particular reference to television -- I'd like to mention a few 
minor objections to the "liberal media" argument.  In fact, a lot of 
minor objections, leading up to one major one.

Let's start with the little ones.  First, the majority of journalists 
in the so-called progressive media, in recent surveys, are to the 
right of the rest of America on economic issues.  On social issues 
they remain somewhat to the left.  Second, professional imperatives 
and other pressures on most journalists override personal political 
leanings.  It just doesn't matter that much how a mainstream reporter 
or producer or editor votes.  It seldom shows in his or her work. 
(I'm not counting journals of opinion or highly-opinionated TV talk 

Third, the mainstream media are owned and operated by an oligopoly of 
giant corporations -- like AOL Time Warner,  General Electric, and 
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. -- which are not interested in 
journalistic glory or investigative reporting.  Their only agenda is 
the bottom line. And commercial profit in the media means 
entertainment, not muckraking or rocking the boat.

Fourth, the boundaries between editorial and advertising and 
marketing (and entertainment generally) are eroding virtually across 
the board in American journalism.  That's not a sign of progressive 
bias.  Fifth, recent Democratic candidates in America -- Carter, 
Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton, to say nothing of candidates lower down 
the ballot -- have not exactly had a free ride in the media.  Sixth, 
the most brilliant manipulators of the U.S. media, perhaps ever, were 
the handlers of Ronald Reagan and George Bush.  (Mark Hertsgaard, in 
his book On Bended Knee, explains where the progressive media were 
during the Reagan presidency: nowhere to be seen.)  

And is it the progressive media that make it so hard to get elected 
to anything in America if you've ever smoked pot, worn a beard, loved 
a member of your own sex, professed atheism, or called yourself 
a "liberal"?

Television certainly can't be called progressive based on the 
accuracy of its characterizations of minorities, working people, the 
poor, gays, spiritualists, or deviant lifestyles.  Nor is it the left 
that insists debate on political talk shows be mainly between the 
center and the right.  Even public television has become a bastion of 
conservative politics and business-oriented shows, funded by ultra-
conservative private foundations like Scaife, Olin, Bradley, JM, and 
so forth.  Maybe that's why such arch-conservatives as William F. 
Buckley, Patrick Buchanan, Robert Novak, John McLoughlin, Cal Thomas, 
Rush Limbaugh, and their ilk set the political tone of the electronic 
media.  Not to mention the latest ranting, homophobic entry into this 
crowd, Dr. Laura Schlessinger. 

Furthermore, it isn't the progressive media that have made TV a 
powerful vehicle for the religious Right -- vaulting Jerry Falwell, 
Pat Robertson, and other Christian broadcasters from obscurity to a  
central position in American political life.  And the tabloid TV 
shows are not exactly celebrations of equality, tolerance, and social 

Finally, it wasn't the progressive media that brought us Ronald 
Reagan, Oliver North, and the most conservative Congress in American 
history - led by the likes of Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, Dick Armey, 
John Kasich, and Tom DeLay.

Accusing the media of being progressive has been a brilliantly 
successful ploy of the right.  The conservative  commentator William 
Kristol put it best: "I admit it, the liberal media were never that 
powerful, and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by 
conservatives for conservative failures."   


But quite apart from the media environment and the content of TV 
shows, there is a more basic way in which television lends itself to 
conservative values and messages.  This argument against the media's 
putative liberalism takes roughly the form of a syllogism: 

  1.	Electronic media radically simplify the world --  or at 
least, they relentlessly and pervasively encourage us to see it in a 
simpler way.

  2.	Simpler views of politics and society are quintessentially 
conservative, and more complex views are quintessentially progressive 
and radical.

  3.	It follows that the simplifying filters of television and 
radio promote the tidy sound bites of the right and militate against 
the more complicated ideas of the left.

How does television simplify?  It offers us a deceptively narrow lens 
on social reality, one that focuses on highly specific points in time 
and space: confined scenes, brief actions, individuals, small 
groups.  Television is all about immediacy, action and singularity.  
It's great for depicting spectacles: news conferences, sporting 
events, ceremonies, wild animals in the bush.  It compartmentalizes 
and disintegrates experience, rather than connecting or integrating.  
By personalizing and dramatizing social life, and by presenting 
experience in artificially concrete terms, TV is perfectly suited to 
visceral, uncomplicated messages.

Conversely, television ignores or resists complexity in all its 
forms: context, remote causes and effects, ambiguity, and perhaps 
most of all, disparities between appearance and reality.  The tube 
therefore de-emphasizes larger ideas that it cannot depict onscreen: 
social movements, causes (including social causes), economic 
conditions, historical forces, distant ramifications, collective 
enterprises, evolutionary progressions, underlying patterns.  And 
these latter, I would suggest, are precisely the intellectual 
foundations of egalitarianism and the left.   

Conservatism at its best (and worst) is centered on simpler values: 
the independent self and nation, and a political minimalism based on 
smaller government, lower taxes, fewer regulations, a more limited 
agenda, fewer rights and duties.  Like television itself, 
conservatism is skeptical of the hidden, the systemic, the 
paradoxical, the contradictory, the remote.

The values and messages of the American right -- small government, 
laissez-faire, "rugged individualism," its views on defense, crime, 
faith, family, guns -- revolve around simple orthodoxies: market 
fundamentalism, Christian fundamentalism, moral and constitutional 

Liberalism, on the other hand, is based on more complex notions of 
interdependent communities and a more structured society, with a more 
intricate social contract.  It asks more of us and offers more in 
return: more equality, more government, more change -- not the sorts 
of things you'd immediately think of as telegenic.

Hence my central, contrarian claim: television is an ideal medium not 
just for polemical sound bites and attack ads, but for the more 
limited ideas and agenda of the right.  The electronic media may be 
progressive in some ways, but overall their effects are conservative. 

Of course there are exceptions and complications to this argument.  
TV is not a right-wing conspiracy.  And dignified simplicity 
certainly has its place as the arch principle of a tolerant, 
libertarian brand of conservatism -- a brand that still plays a 
significant role in American life, but one that isn't highly visible 
in the media.

Likewise, complexity -- especially academic complexity -- has its 
limits and tactical liabilities.  And of course the left can 
sometimes be polemical and simplistic too.  But even then, it is 
invariably on behalf of more complex underlying values.  (Where are 
the snappy sound bites for day care, health care, full employment, 
legal aid, college loans, worker safety?  Where's the bumper- sticker 
slogan for single-payer health insurance or equalizing public school 
funding across districts?)

Post-industrial societies are rapidly becoming more complex -- a 
reason, perhaps, why people seek political refuge in simple, divisive 
slogans and sound bites.  What can the left do about it?  Television 
will be with us, in one form or another, for a long time to come.  
Even as it converges and merges with the Internet, TV will not 
fundamentally change -- at least not in foreseeable ways that will 
dramatically alter its political valences.

What the left must do is focus on understanding the media and the 
specific challenges they pose to progressive values and messages.  
This involves devising progressive sound bites, but also recognizing 
the limits of sound bites as vehicles of progressive ideas.  It also 
involves teaching kids to be media literate -- teaching them how to 
decode, analyze, and distinguish various kinds of messages and 
images.  Other countries (including the U.K., Canada and Australia) 
are much further along in this area.  Media literacy is critical 
thinking about media, and we need it in America.   

However, as you might suspect, critical thinking and media literacy 
are complex enterprises.  They encourage us to look beyond arguments 
and appearances, and thus are inherently subversive, anti-commercial, 
and egalitarian.  It will be hard to bring conservatives on board 
that bandwagon. 

But the first step for progressive advocates and thinkers is 
recognizing the problem.  The left has nothing to fear but television 

                      *        *        *


Jeffrey Scheuer <JScheuer1 at aol.COM> is a member of the Board of 
Directors of the Loka Institute and author of the new book THE SOUND 
BITE SOCIETY, from which this Loka Alert has been loosely adapted.

Critical appraisal of Jeffrey Scheuer's
(New York and London: Four Walls Eight Windows Press)

"One of the most incisive critiques of television and its cultural 
impact I've read in years.  Mr. Scheuer makes his case with a 
precision and clarity that will resound with anyone who's ever 
wondered . . . how we managed to let our national political discourse 
become an incomprehensible blur of sound bites."  
-- _Electronic Media_

"Breaks new intellectual ground . . . lively and invigorating . . . a 
delicious writing style . . . deeply incisive."  
-- _The Chicago Tribune_

"[A] brilliant analysis of TV grammar and how it prohibits complex 
-- _Choice_, Feb. 2000

"An insightful but profoundly unsettling volume."
-- Langdon Winner in _Dissent_, Spring 2000.




The Loka Institute is a partner in a project funded by the European 
Commission to begin the development of an international network of 
community research centers/science shops. The SCIPAS (Study and 
Conference for Improving Public Access to Science) group is a 
consortium of institutes and organizations from Denmark, Northern 
Ireland, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Israel, Romania, South 
Africa and the United States, with informal representation from 
Canada and England. 
The group is studying the trends, operations, and developments within 
community-based research and community research centers/science shops 
around the world. Studies undertaken by consortium partners include: 

1. An inventory of best practice employed by and ways of operating 
the science shops in some of the participating countries. 
2. An inventory of support mechanisms for the creation of new science 
shops in various countries. 
3. The structure of a training program for science shop co-
4. A blueprint for the international publication and dissemination of 
results and studies. 
5. The creation of a public database of science shops, and a model 
for internet communication  
6. A study on the influence of science shops on university curricula 
and research. 
7. A study on the potential for international science shop/community 
research center co-operation.

Through the project the consortium intends to lay the foundations for 
an international network of 'science shops' that will hopefully open 
its doors with further EU support in 2001.

The international conference on science shops will be held in 
Brussels in January 2001. Conference registration and information can 
be found at <>



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technology, and society; and helping with administrative
work.  Interns committing to a semester or more will have the 
opportunity to integrate independent research into their
internship experience.

Candidates should be self-motivated and able to work as
part of a team as well as independently.  A general knowledge and 
comfort with computers is needed.  Experience in Web page maintenance 
is preferable.  Undergraduate students, graduate students, and recent 
graduates are welcome to apply.  Loka is able to provide interns with 
an expense stipend of $35 per day for volunteering (or $700 per month 

If you are interested in working with us to promote a
democratic politics of science and technology, please send a
resume and a succinct cover letter explaining your interest
and dates of availability to: The Loka Institute, P.O. Box
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The Loka Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated
to making research, science and technology responsive to
democratically decided social and environmental concerns. 
Current Loka projects include: 

   o  The Community Research Network

   o  Deliberative Citizens' Panels on Science & Technology

   o  Identifying Democratic Technologies

   o  Building a Constituency for Democratizing Research, 
          Science & Technology

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