[Pattern-language] Note to the Evergreen language faculty ~~ Thanks in advance for distributing!

mapa mapa at unam.mx
Tue Feb 23 08:44:14 PST 2016

Well the phrase "lenguaje de patrones" comes from computational science and we understand that in our discursive language in philosophy too. I remember an old debate about the way that Spaniards use the word "ordenadores" and the rest of Spanish language (Castile´s language, actually) that use "computadora" . Other similar debate we have in Spanish is about "software and hardware" because if you try to translate it you change the meaning of that words.

Then we will use "Lenguaje de Patrones" in our documents to preserve the intention of that two words. I attach an invitation to our Pedagogy Congress that use "Lenguaje de patrones" phrase and the methodology that Doug and other members of this list gracefully sharing with us many years ago. In Spanish we  understand PL as the way we identify regularities in phenomena and process and let us to think about this.  Pautas sounds great, but I am not sure if computer scientists understand it.

We are doing our best to collaborate with the Spanish version but all our interest is blocked for the amount of job in the last two semesters. Sorry for that Doug. We´l try to fulfill the expectations and honor our word.


Miguel Á. Pérez Álvarez
Coord. Pedagogía (modalidad a distancia)
 Div. Sistema de Universidad  Abierta y Educación a Distancia
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

De: pattern-language-bounces at scn9.scn.org <pattern-language-bounces at scn9.scn.org> en nombre de Doug Schuler <douglas at publicsphereproject.org>
Enviado: lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016 07:33 p. m.
Para: pattern-language at scn9.scn.org
Asunto: Re: [Pattern-language] Note to the Evergreen language faculty ~~ Thanks in advance for distributing!

Miguel et al,

We are moving forward with translations which is very exciting. it looks like Arabic is next!

The translation effort is very interesting because the LV patterns don't lend themselves to "literal" translations because they describe concepts.

Based on the discussion below, the very concept of "pattern language" is difficult to translate.

Any thoughts on these issues??

BTW, many languages are still eager for more pattern card text to written in them! I hear calls for German, French, Russian, and almost every other one as well!


— Doug

PS. Over the past year or so I've been getting a number of translations for the pattern cards (which are abbreviated versions of the patterns). In fact we now have Spanish translations for all 136 patterns (http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns_spanish), approximately 90 in Mandarin (http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns_chinese), and smaller numbers of translations in Russian, French, Korean, German, Serbian, Hebrew, and Greek. It now looks like we have some interest in Arabic and Portuguese as well. (To see the current state of the various translations, go to http://www.publicsphereproject.org/ and click on the PATTERN LANGUAGE tab just under the Public Sphere Project logo at the top of the page.)

Patterns | Public Sphere Project<http://www.publicsphereproject.org/patterns_spanish>
Title Pattern Text ; Inteligencia Cívica Douglas Schuler: Inteligencia cívica describe que tan bien grupos de personas persiguen fines cívicos a través de ...

Hola Doug,

It's an interesting question for linguistic inquiry. "Lenguaje" is certainly appropriate; as for patterns, "patrones" is indeed correct, but "pautas" could be an alternative that sounds to me more like patterns as guidelines.  I think whichever word is familiar to the most readers, and that might be patrones. Thanks for the link, I'll explore further. Several students took me up on reading a sample selection.

From: Doug Schuler [douglas at publicsphereproject.org<mailto:douglas at publicsphereproject.org>]
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2016 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: Note to the Evergreen language faculty ~~ Thanks in advance for distributing!

Hi Dvid,

Maybe too late for today, but I think  lenguaje de patrón might be best?

BTW, there is a link to the Spanish patterns here! https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenguaje_de_patr%C3%B3n


I hope it goes well. I'd love to hear about it.

— Doug

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